2020年7月13日 星期一




Kickboards (swimming boards) are evil.Having a great kick is priceless.


I try not to live by too many rules as theytend to constrict ones ability to think creatively, however, I do have a rulewhen it comes to kickboards (also referred to as swimming boards). Do not usethem when you are learning to swim! Ok, it is not entirely true that kickboardsdo not have their place around swimming pools, but let me explain why I suggestnot to use swimming boards.


If you remember from one of my previousarticles, body and head position is one of the key elements to a successfulswimming stroke. The problem with using a kickboard for kicking is that yourbody defies the proper positioning. With your head above the water, your legssink deeper into the water and instead of swimming in a horizontal position,you suddenly find yourself swimming up a hill with your feet angling downtowards the pool floor. This is totally not the position you want to beimprinting into your brain .


If you learn to rely on a kickboard whileyou are learning to swim or learning a proper body position, it will take youthat much longer to actually achieve your goal. If you resist the temptation touse a kickboard and practice your kicking without it, it might be a bit moredifficult at the beginning, however, you will not only gain great bodyposition, but also better balance and strength in your core body.


Not convinced to leave your kickboard athome yet? Well, just think about what is the reason that you started to useyour swimming board in the first place. Chances are that you just do as othersdo and kick with a kickboard, because everybody else kicks with it (we areafter all a society with monkey ancestry). Or you find it easier to kick thatway, because you can breath as much as you'd like or you use kickboard as aflotation device. Whatever your reason for using a kickboard is, trust me whenI say, you don't need it and here are more reasons why:


1) I already mentioned the improperpositioning of your body with your hips down and your legs sinking, but this isso important, I mention it again. This is definitely a no no. Instead youshould work on keeping your head under the water and your butt at the surfacewhile you kick, so your body is in a nice streamline.
2) Yes, it is easier to breath whilekicking with a kickboard as you can take in as many breaths as often as you'dlike , however, if you practice kicking on your sides with your face down or in a streamline with your face down, you can at the same time practice your sidebreathing and a proper breathing rhythm.

3) After you drop the kickboard, you canconcentrate better on the kick itself and not on what your swimming board isdoing or how you hold it. It is important that you focus only one thing at atime, so keep it simple.
4) You can eliminate the neck ache fromkicking with your head above the water and any shoulder tightness due toextended periods of kickboard holding. Remember, keeping a flat, wrinkle freeneck during the time your head is underwater is important to keep a nicestreamline.
So, now you might be wondering. What do Iuse a kickboard for then? Did I throw my money away? Well, you did not throwyour money away completely. Firstly, you supported your local swim shop , but more importantly, you could use your kickboard in more advancedswimming situations. For example if you want to kick fast for a time. Getting alot of oxygen is very important during a timed swim. You could also use yourkickboard as a resistance tool by holding it in front of you in the water in avertical position as if you'd kick against a wall. Or if you kick on a sidewith your bottom arm forward, you could press on the kickboard to get it underthe water (if the kickboard is small enough) and thus raising your hips andlegs to the surface to improve your core body strength for better bodyposition. Enough about kickboards, now it is time to improve your kicking skills.

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